

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Swiss Army Knife Tradition - Jody

One of my favorite traditions occurs every Christmas morning. For the past 15 years or more we have had the missionaries over for breakfast where we eat waffles topped with strawberries and whip cream. We all eat our yummy breakfast and then we give the missionaries their gifts.
Each year we have given the missionaries the same gift, a Swiss army knife.  Jack originally gave me my first Swiss Army knife and it is such a handy tool that we have shared it with the missionaries each year.

The Elders get black or red knives and the sisters get pink or yellow. They always seem to enjoy the gift and then the big event of the day is they get to call home. The missionaries used to just call home in the earlier years but lately they get to Skype home. This tradition is just a wonderful day to spend with family and the missionaries. Sometime the missionaries are away from their families for the first time and it is a blessing to try to make their first Christmas away from home a good experience. We have learned by doing this that we have blessed our family and hopefully have helped the missionaries have a good Christmas. 


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