

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Castle and Sandwiches

April 28, 2016 – Castle and sandwiches and candy and pastries, oh my…

Today was our final day at the Copenhagen temple and much longer than anticipated. Although at home ending at 3:30pm would have seemed like a normal day. I thought it would be a quick day with just the sanding, but once we finished sanding, I felt we needed another backfill layer. I think my “crew” wasn’t very happy to hear that, but after we did the other layer, they all agreed it was the right choice and the end result was beautiful! Allan, the temple engineer was very kind and told us how much he likes what we do. That was a nice change from the normal as painting temples is a very “thankless” job as very seldom does anyone tell you that you do a good job. You only hear from them if there is a problem. Sad…but true.

Allan wanted to treat us to a typical Danish lunch today so he brought in some open faced Danish sandwiches. He was so excited as he described in detail each one and how good they were. Needless to say, we all had to try several and ate too much. Then we really didn’t want to go back to sanding/polishing venetian plaster walls. Especially Camron and Kevin as they were banned from backfilling the plaster this morning. So while Vicky and I backfilled, Camron and Kevin ran errands (gas, cash, pastries, etc). But they earned their keep doing the wet sanding layer. After sanding, of course, we needed a break to go eat our Danish pastries they had bought earlier. We even got a street hotdog and gelato in the shops at Nyghaven tonight! I’m pretty sure I’m coming back to the states ten pounds heavier between the candy, pastries, street hot dogs, pizza and gelato. They are all so, so good! The pastries are so flaky, the candy is every form of licorice and sugar and I don’t even know where to start to describe the gelato (orange ricotta white chocolate gelato…should have taken a photo of that one). We even had a licorice covered ice cream bar and surprisingly, it was delicious!

April 29, 2016

After finishing up at the temple yesterday, we packed up our belongings and headed over to the apartment that we will call home for the next four days. This place is about 20 minutes  from the temple but closer to the center of the city. It was nice to not set an early alarm today and before we knew it, it was 9am. Sleep has not worked here very well with the time change and the jet lag. All week when we were working on the temple I was sleeping maybe four hours a night. Each night I would be so tired and fall asleep around 9-10pm to wake up at 11:30pm and then never get back to sleep until after 4am, just in time to get up around 6:30am. So sleeping in until 9am was heavenly. We drove an hour north today to see the grandest castle in Denmark called Kronborg Castle. It is located on the Baltic Sea at the narrow water pass between Denmark and Sweden. The castle was massive and old and so cool all at the same time. The first brick wall built on the grounds was built in 1402. The rest of the grand castle was finished in the mid 1600’s. How cool is that…wandering around a 400-600 year old castle? It was so quaint and amazing! It was a very cold day and so we limited our outside time due to a very brisk and cold wind that seemed to chill you to the core, no matter how many layers you are wearing.

After the castle we were starving and found a highly recommended little café on tripadvisor that was near the castle. It was called “Andres Café” and it was a great find! The sandwiches were huge and so delicious, but what the place is famous for is their cakes and pies. Andre, the chef and owner came out and introduced himself. He was down to earth and told us the cakes were all gluten free, which surprised us all since they were so good. He is publishing his recipes in a cookbook that comes out in a few months here in Denmark. We’re hoping to help him get the recipes published here (so at least we can cook a few delicious cakes).

Then on our way back to Copenhagen we stopped to visit the Louisiana Museum which is a modern museum of art that came highly recommended. It was cool in some areas but what I considered awful and distasteful in others. So, for me, I would recommend skipping this place.


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