

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Up Close and Personal with Carl Bloch

Saturday, April 30, 2016

We left early to go to the castle at Frederiksborg. Yes, another castle, another day filled with mouthwatering pastries, great sandwiches and cakes and the original Carl Bloch paintings in their home. Here at Frederiksborg are many original Carl Bloch paintings of the Savior, many of which we know very well. They were not under glass and we were able to get “up close and personal” with the paintings. The man at the castle explained that Carl was commissioned to paint these after the original paintings for the church had been destroyed in a fire. While they were interviewing painters and deciding on who to hire to duplicate the original themes depicting the life and times of the Savior, Carl Bloch pulled out a series of sketches he had made of the original room in the chapel at Frederiksborg with all the original paintings (in a lot of detail) just a few months prior to the fire, which enabled him to get the job. I’m thinking it was no “coincidence” that he took the time to sketch out the room and the scenes of Christ while he was there visiting. Today these Carl Bloch paintings are very well known. Although we had seen several of the paintings when they were on display at the Museum at BYU a couple years ago, it was super cool to see them in their home (and be able to take photos of them).

After visiting the chapel with the paintings first, we toured the rest of the castle. Frederiksborg is so different than Kronborg in that it is a dedicated museum with everything restored to it’s period state along with the artwork. Kronborg was mostly a large empty building with a few pieces of artwork and furniture, but mostly it was just the old building that you were looking at. While at Kronborg yesterday, a catering company was setting up for some kind of dinner in the grand ballroom. So if you ever need an event venue, and have lots of money, we learned that the Kronborg Castle might just be the place. They have also filmed a lot of movies at Kronborg as well.


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